Company JP.Montage d.o.o. successfully operates on international markets since year 2002. Positive financial indicators confirm constant and stable growth of a company, which have even worldwide crisis every year achieved constant growth. Company with limited liability JP.Montage d.o.o. successfully continues the business of its predecessor company Jani Petrovič s.p.
Basic business activities of the company are various services; installation, tunneling technique services, services in the field of electrical installations, etc. Staff fond group of companies represents around 200 employees (full-time).
The company received from Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia in the year 2012 certificate EXCELLENT SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) for Slovenia.
Company JP.Montage d.o.o. operates mainly in the markets of Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Great Britain and Norway. The share of services rendered abroad is almost 95%.
Activities of marketing are also establishing new business contacts and presentation of previous references, awards and prizes. In addition of certificate Excellence SME is planned in 2014 to obtain the international certificate of Superior Service Award for the area of Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy and Slovenia.